Introductions, edited books, chapters, articles and reviews
De Kok, I.J. Poetry and Society in South Africa. In Writers from South Africa: Culture, Politics and Literary Theory in South Africa Today. Northwestern University, Chicago, 53-61, 1989.
De Kok, I.J. A sort of difference. Pretexts: studies in Literature and Culture, 1(1), 73-78, 1989.
De Kok and K. Press, Eds, and Introduction by I. de Kok: Spring is Rebellious: Albie Sachs and respondents on cultural freedom, Buchu Press, Cape Town, 1990.
Fiske, I.J. Introduction in Changing by Degrees? Equity issues in South African tertiary education, UCT Press, 7-11, 1994.
Fiske, I.J. Audible voices political reordering in South Africa and the issues for cultural institutions. In Truth without Facts, Elias, W., Jones, D. & Normie, G., (Eds.) VUB University Press, Brussels, pp175-184, 1995.
De Kok, I.J. The Fault Lines Initiative: Inquiries into Truth and Reconciliation. In West Coast Line, 20 (30/2), 107-110, 1996.
De Kok, I.J. Advisory Editor, World Literature Today: South African Literature in Transition, 70(1), 1996.
De Kok, I.J. Standing in the Doorway: A Preface. In World Literature Today: South African Literature in Transition, 70(1), 5-8, 1996.
de Kok, I. Cracked Hierlooms. In Negotiating the Past: The Making of Memory in South Africa. Sarah Nuttall and Carli Coetzee, (Eds.) Oxford University Press, 1998.
De Kok, I.J. Review of “The Naked Song and other Stories” by Mandla Langa, World Literature Today, Vol 72, No 3, pp. 674-675, 1998.
I. de Kok, and G. Ferguson, Compilers, City in Words: Poems on Cape Town, David Philip Publishers, Cape Town, 2001.
Fiske, I.J. Review of “A Responsibility to Awe” by Rebecca Elson, Nature, Volume 414, No 6866, p. 845, December 2001.
De Kok, I.J. Review of “The Restless Supermarket” by Ivan Vladislavic, World Literature Today, Vol 76, No 1 (Winter), p. 125, 2002.
De Kok, I.J. Headnote: “Karen Press ‘Krotoa’s Story’” in Women Writing Africa: the Southern Region. The Women Writing Africa Project. Vol.1 (Eds) MJ Daimond et al, The Feminist Press, CUNY, 2003.
De Kok, I.J. Review article. “The languages of our past: Yvette Christianse, Unconfessed.” Southern African Journal of English Studies, 25 (1), pp. 128-132, 2008.
De Kok, I.J. “Citadel and Web,” review of The Folly, in Marginal Spaces: Ivan Vladislavic, Gaylard, G, Wits Press, 2010.