Theses with discussions of Ingrid de Kok’s work (selected)

Logan Broeckaert, ‘A triumph of the new South Africa over the old”: Heritage and nation-building in post-apartheid South Africa, 1994—1999.’ M.A. Thesis, McGill University (Canada), 2008.

Kerry Bystrom, ‘Orphans and origins: Family, memory, and nation in Argentina and South Africa, 198 3 – 2005. Ph.D. dissertation, Princeton University, 2007.

S. Frost, ‘The Personal/History: A Feminist Exploration of Ingrid de Kok and Joan Meterlerkamp’, MA mini-thesis, University of Natal, 1998.

Sarah Groeneveld, Westmont College, Santa Barbara, ‘The Reconstitution of Humanity and Nationhood in the Post-Apartheid Poetry of Ingrid de Kok and Jeremy Cronin,’ paper presented at the Annual African Literature Association, 2008.

Mashudu Mashige, ‘Identity, culture and contemporary South African poetry’, Ph.D. dissertation, Rand Afrikaans University, 2004.

Kim Roston, ‘Collective Trauma, the Body and literary forms of witness’, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA.

Isabelle Vogt, “‘Born in Africa but…’ Women’s Poetry of post-Apartheid South Africa in English”, Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Philosophie, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität. München, 2008